Your prom (or your child’s prom) is one of the most significant times in your life. It coincides with Spring and represents all things new and fresh. This year especially, its time to embrace the freshness and beauty of it, maximizing every moment!
Fashion and Beauty Tips for Prom Season
Preparation is everything when it comes to looking your best this prom season. This means testing your look beforehand so you’re not caught by surprise on the Big Day.
Give your make-up a dress rehearsal.
Running through your make-up routine before your prom gives you a better feel for its ability to last and look good throughout the entire event. How does that mascara withstand a tear or two? How does your foundation manage sweat and heat? What lipstick has the longest staying power? If you decide to use make-up services for your prom, discuss these factors with him/her. You’re looking for the most maintenance-free and long-lasting make-up possible.
Get a facial one week before.
Many make the mistake of getting a facial only a day or two before events like weddings or proms. Big mistake! A facial can occasionally cause a skin reaction such as redness or even (the dreaded) pimple. A facial one week in advance means your skin will have calmed beforehand but still maintain that healthy glow.
Experiment with body make-up.
The skin isn’t just on your face after all! But like the previous tip, experiment with body glitter (or body glow or skin shimmer) in advance. Does it flake off your body, leaving a trail wherever you go? Can you reapply quickly? Does it rinse off easily? Don’t forget often overlooked areas like the ankles or the neck. But caution: metallic shades are super hot this prom season so don’t go overboard! If your gown or prom dress is metallic, consider going lighter.
Go for serious hold hairstyle.
Nothing can make or break your look than a hairstyle that loses its hold, leaving that “party’s over” wilted look. While most of us like medium-hold hair products for everyday use, an event like your prom or your wedding requires something much more substantial, like a strong hold hairspray. The less you have to fuss with it the better so tell your hairstylist to go heavy or go home!
We saved the best tip for last. HAVE FUN. It’s your prom and your look should be a natural extension of you. The more you feel comfortable, the more you’ll look comfortable…and what could be more beautiful than that?
Contact us so we can make you look your best this prom season!
Some examples of recent prom hairdos, from our salon in Montreal: