Okay, so I’ve made a few resolutions for the new year. But they’re kinda boring, frankly. You know: go to the gym, drink more water, take my vitamin D daily (especially living in Montreal, trust me), that kind of thing.
But there’s one resolution I made I’m actually looking forward to: changing my hair color. Not just changing it but choosing a color that’s “in” right now instead of the same old shade I’ve been using for years (6N anyone?).
Trending Hair Colors for 2019
But wait…can hair colors even be trending? Of course! Just like hair cuts and hemlines, hair colors phase in and out of the cultural landscape.
Let’s take gray hair, for instance; a hair color that women traditionally would never choose. Nope, not today. #Grannyhair is all the rage.
At first, I was a little surprised, like who would really want to look gray and age themselves prematurely? But with some research, I discovered that many women feel its a way of reclaiming an aspect of themselves, embracing the gray before it comes and not treating it like its unwanted.
As one travel editor wrote:
“I found my first grey hair when I was 17 and had been dyeing my hair—dark, red, fuschia, blue, green, purple, highlights, caramel, platinum blonde—ever since. It became a part of my look, an extension of my personality. But on a deeper level, I was trying to deny my natural aging process. I just decided it was time to be my true self. ”
Rock on, sister. Besides, as many of us know, gray isn’t just boring, old gray; it’s silver, ash, smoky, charcoal and ice. Looks like there’s 50 shades of gray afterall!
For me personally, I’ll pass on the gray (it would wash my complexion out in a big way). So what else is on the list of hot, new and trending hair colors for 2019?
Hot New Hair Colors!
Creamy blonde. This is a really accessible blonde for women who haven’t jumped the I’m-going-blonde fence. Not too warm and not too ashy, it goes with a surprising amount of complexions.
Face framing colors. Nothing brings out the beauty in the face as some well-placed color directly around it. Expect a lot of blonde color surrounding the face, dramatically juxtaposed with brown or red color on the rest of the head.
Cool brunette shades. Decidedly not “mousy” these trending brunettes shades are ashy and cool. You would need to have the right complexion to rock these shades, but if so…you’ll look awesome.
Living coral. Wow, this is an interesting shade (and not coincidentally, Pantone’s Color of the Year. Stars like Julia Roberts have been rocking this shade and who can blame them? Simply put: it’s a fun color.
So there you go. A sampling of hot hair colors for 2019. For myself, I might try some face framing. But who knows? I could live on the edge and choose living coral. It’s 2019 and the world is my oyster, beauty-wise and otherwise.
Are you considering a bold, new trending shade for 2019? Contact our Montreal salon and we’ll get you on the right path for the New Year.