When it comes to microblading, we may feel confused because we are not familiar with the term. However, in recent years it has gained prominence in Quebec due to its various advantages in terms of aesthetic treatment.
What is microblading?
As a semi-permanent tattoo, the density and beauty it brings to the eyebrows can never go unnoticed. On the contrary, the triple naturalness to modify the eyebrows both in size and thickness and shape, has allowed this technique to stand out from the others.
This semi-permanent makeup technique is ideal if you don’t have much time in the mornings and want to always look spectacular. For this reason, at Salon Deauville we share a list of things you should know before having a microblading brows session. From these facts provided by experts in the field, we hope that many of the doubts you have about it will be clarified.
It is true that many people are more concerned about aftercare. Nevertheless, before the process, certain measures and guidelines should also be taken that will project better results.
That said, let’s begin our brief but exciting adventure!
Things to know about an microblading eyebrow sesión
Due to the nature of the technique, experts recommend taking certain precautions before, during and after starting a microblading treatment. That’s why, below, we tell you a little more about it.
Initial research is essential
Although it is not an invasive procedure, but rather an outpatient procedure, eyebrow microblading requires the use of sterile instruments and the application of topical anesthesia. It is not necessarily a painful treatment, but some patients report discomfort during the session.
And no wonder, the principle used in microblading is similar to that of tattoos: small cracks in the skin (microbladed eyebrows) that will house the pigments that will shape the eyebrow. For this reason, before performing eyebrow microblading, it is essential to know the certifications of the establishment where the procedure will be performed and to make sure that all the material used is properly prepared.
Avoid other cosmetic procedures and exfoliation
If you are considering a microblading session, it is important that, before starting the treatment, you avoid certain aesthetic products, because they can hinder the process and generate unfavorable results. Among them are:
- Botox, due to its muscle relaxation effect.
- AHA (alpha hydroxy acid) treatments, for their exfoliating effect.
- Retinoids, for acne-related issues.
Think twice before an exfoliating treatment!
If you want to have this procedure done, try not to proceed with exfoliating treatments such as microdermabrasion. This is because the skin tends to be more sensitive and irritated (depending on how the process was performed).
That said, this recommendation should be taken into account, mainly because exfoliation focuses on the surface of the skin. So, being irritated (in most cases this can be observed), microblading will damage some surrounding tissues, if the dermis is delicate.
Avoid consuming stimulant beverages and other substances
Another thing you should avoid at all costs is the ingestion of alcoholic beverages, coffee or any substance containing caffeine (or any other type of stimulant). With 12 hours of abstinence before your session, your body will be grateful.
This is because the ingestion of these products could generate a thinning of the dermis in the long term and inflammation in the short term. The aforementioned is fundamental, since your face could resent microblading and show results that are out of line with what you need.
Try not to expose yourself to the sun
In addition to the above, it is essential to protect the face from the sun before microblading eyebrows. Although care against sun exposure should be of a permanent nature, special attention should be paid at least fifteen days prior to the micropigmentation session.
After the session, care must be even more careful, since UV rays can alter the final result of the treatment performed.
Therefore, it is not recommended to perform this procedure during the summer, to avoid the microblading side effects.
Visit your general practitioner before microblading eyebrows
And finally, one thing you will always need to do is to visit a general practitioner. After a checkup that determines, for example, that you do not have type 1 or 2 diabetes, thyroid, high blood pressure or any other serious illness, only until then can you proceed with microblading brow.
The visit to the doctor is important and decisive for this treatment or others of similar nature. Therefore, the opinion of a health expert is always necessary, as they will also be able to advise you further on medical issues of your interest.
What is the price of microblading?
The price of microblading includes several hundred dollars. However, you should keep in mind that these costs are equivalent to the knowledge of a professional and of course, the use of the best quality materials and tools on the market.
At Salon Deauville, the price for microblading is $450.00 (includes two sessions) and you can find all the information you need to make a reservation by clicking here.
So, is microblading the same as eyebrow tattooing?
The answer is no. Eyebrow microblading is a temporary procedure, that is, semi-permanent makeup with an average duration of eight months to one year in perfect conditions. However, the result of this treatment can be extended for a longer period of time.
Therefore, it is best to retouch before the color degrades completely. This way we can obtain better results and have perfect eyebrows without problems.
Microblading before and after
As this procedure includes from the eyebrow design to the hair by hair technique, the result will undoubtedly be an eyebrow microblading, according to your features. Eyebrows will be thicker and with an impressive level of detail.
This is where the importance of going to a professional lies. This is where the big question arises…
Where to have microblading eyebrows done?
After reading these things you should know about your eyebrow microblading session, what are you waiting for to get this simple procedure done? If you want to put yourself in the hands of experts, Salon Deauville is the solution you’ve been looking for.
So, don’t wait any longer. For your comfort, we have a variety of aesthetic treatments to make your face even more beautiful. We also have state-of-the-art tools available to make your experience unsurpassed.
That said, you can find us at 4048 Jean Talon Ouest Montreal, QC H4P 1V5. Here you will enjoy the best microblading treatment in 2 sessions that will allow you to forget about traditional makeup. Also, visit our store, to keep an eye out for the latest products in the cosmetic field.
Contact us at (514) 735-4432, email us at info@salondeauville.com. Also, remember that our commitment is to you. Therefore, in Salon Deauville, it will be a pleasure to serve you.